The Encyclopedia of Catholic Theology (ECT) is an online, open-access resource providing readers with a contemporary presentation of the teaching of the Catholic Church.

Our Mission

To make the best resources for theological education accessible to all the members of the global Catholic Church.

Core Values

  • Academic
  • Faithful
  • Accessible


Executive Director: Gideon Barr

General Editor: Cajetan Cuddy, O.P., Ph.D./S.T.D.

Managing Editor: Matthew K. Minerd, Ph.D.

Reviews Editor: David Paternostro, S.J.

Executive Editorial Board:

Gerald Boersma, Ph.D.

Ryan Connors, S.T.D.

Anthony Giambrone, O.P., Ph.D.

Aaron Pidel, S.J., Ph.D.

Editorial Policy

The ECT adheres to (1) the presentation of faith and morals summarized in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (editio typica 1997), and (2) the program of initial priestly formation delineated in the “new ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis” (“The Gift of the Priestly Vocation”) published in 2016 by the Dicastery for the Clergy.

Primarily, the ECT serves seminary instruction and the formation of “missionary disciples who are ‘in love’ with the Master, shepherds ‘with the smell of the sheep,’ who live in their midst to bring the mercy of God to them” (RFIS, no. 3). Each article of the ECT is designed to assist seminary professors and seminarians in their pursuit of sacred truth for the sake of sacramental and pastoral ministry.

Secondarily, the ECT represents a resource for priests and catechists who minister in the local church. In the modern period, Catholics bring with them a plethora of questions and concerns of profound and practical implication. Parishioners desire faithful and articulate presentations of Catholic doctrine. Thus, the ECT offers a doctrinal reference that serves preaching, catechesis, and on-going formation in a parochial setting.

Thirdly, the ECT provides lay and secular readers with access to a comprehensive summary of Catholic teaching about faith and morals. The Catechism explains that “the desire for God is written in the human heart”—regardless of race, gender, creed, or religion. Indeed, only in God will human persons “find the truth and happiness” for which they irrevocably search (no. 27). Thus, the ECT makes available online an introduction to the perennial richness of the Church’s teaching in a world characterized by diversity. Doctrinal fidelity, academic reliability, and dynamic accessibility—these are the three emphases of the ECT that serve its spiritual vitality. The sacred teaching that Jesus entrusted to his Church is available to all. The ECT attempts to make the splendor of truth accessible to all peoples of all backgrounds and states in life.

Comments or questions:

Forthcoming Articles

The following is a list of ECT contributors and article topics. Additional contributors and topics are continually being added.


Justin M. Anderson – The Virtues in General – Seton Hall University (South Orange, NJ)

Gerald Boersma – Church Fathers – Ave Maria University (Ave Maria, FL)

Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P. – God as One – Angelicum (Rome)

Ryan Brady – Synderesis – Thomas Aquinas College (Santa Paula, CA)

John G. Brungardt – Philosophy of Nature – Newman University (Wichita, KS)

Romanus Cessario, O.P. – Holy Orders (Pastores dabo vobis) – Ave Maria University (Ave Maria, FL)

Bonaventure Chapman, O.P. – Kant and Post-Kantianism – The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC)

Brian Chrzastek, O.P. – Epistemology – Dominican House of Studies (Washington, DC)

Patrick Clark – Martyrdom – University of Scranton (Scranton, PA)

Ryan Connors – Moral Theology (Overview) – Our Lady of Providence Seminary (Providence, RI)

David Crawford – Family and Social Doctrine – John Paul II Institute (Washington, DC)

Richard DeClue – Eucharistic Ecclesiology – Word on Fire Institute

Dominic D’Ettore – Analogy – University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX)

Therese Druart – Arabic Aristotelianism – The Catholic University of America

Matthew J. Dugandzic – The Nature of Sin – St. Mary’s Seminary and University (Baltimore, MD)

Lawrence Feingold – Nature and Grace – Kenrick-Glennon Seminary (St. Louis, MO)

Jeffrey Froula – Hope – St. Patrick’s Seminary (Menlo Park, CA)

John Froula – Hypostatic Union – University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN)

Gloria Frost – Causality – University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN)

Daniel Garland – Eucharistic Themes in John – Ohio Dominican University (Columbus, OH)

Joan Gilbert – Fides et Ratio – Holy Apostles College and Seminary (Cromwell, CT)

Paul Gondreau – Marriage – Providence College (Providence, RI)

Nicholas Healy – Philosophy of Culture – John Paul II Institute (Washington, DC)

Joshua Hochschild – Cajetan on Analogy – Mount St. Mary’s University (Emmitsburg, MD)

Anthony Isacco – Psychology and Priestly Formation – Chatham University (Pittsburgh, PA)

Christiaan Kappes – Sources of Theology – Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Ss. Cyril and Methodius (Pittsburgh, PA)

Christopher Kaczor – Moral Systems – Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, CA)

Matthew Kauth – Priestly Spirituality – St. Joseph College Seminary (Holly, NC)

Timothy Kearns – Logic (General and Historical) – Legion of Christ College of Humanities (Cheshire, CT)

Kenneth Kemp – Evolution – University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN)

Evan Koop – Mariology – University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN)

John Baptist Ku, O.P. – God as Three – Dominican House of Studies (Washington, DC)

Gregory LaNave – The Church – Dominican House of Studies (Washington, DC)

Daniel Lendman – Eucharist – Ave Maria University (Ave Maria, FL)

Austin Litke, O.P. – Christology – Angelicum (Rome)

John Macias – Theories of Political Representation – St. Mary’s Seminary and University (Baltimore, MD)

Guy Mansini, O.S.B. – Magisterium – Ave Maria University (Ave Maria, FL)

Derek McAllister – Acedia – Loyola University (Baltimore, MD)

Andrew Meszaros – Tradition and traditions – St. Patrick’s Pontifical University (Maynooth, Ireland)

Mary Christa Nutt, R.S.M. – Veritatis Splendor – Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, MI (Alma, MI)

Gabriel O’Donnell, O.P. – Spiritual Theology – Dominican House of Studies (Washington, DC)

Taylor Patrick O’Neill – Grace – Thomas Aquinas College (Northfield, MA)

C.C. Pecknold – Political Theology – The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC)

Aaron Pidel, S.J. – Vatican II – Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome)

Matthew Pietropaoli – Philosophy of Technology – St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry (Rochester, NY)

Matthew J. Ramage – Theodicy in the Bible – Benedictine College (Atchison, KS)

Philip-Neri Reese, O.P. – Metaphysics – Angelicum (Rome)

Gregory M. Reichberg – Just War Tradition – Peace Research Institute Oslo (Oslo, Norway)

Scott Roninger – Natural Law – Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, CA)

Kevin Schemenauer – Preferential Option for the Poor – St. Meinrad Seminary (St. Meinrad, IN)

Jordan Schmidt, O.P. – Sacred Scripture: An Introduction – Dominican House of Studies (Washington, DC)

Dylan Schrader – Censures – Diocese of Jefferson City (Jefferson City, MO)

Dylan Schrader – Motives of the Incarnation – Diocese of Jefferson City (Jefferson City, MO)

Paul Seaton – Political Philosophy – St. Mary’s Seminary and University (Baltimore, MD)

Innocent Smith, O.P. – Sacred Liturgy – Dominican House of Studies (Washington, DC)

Catherine Sommers – Philosophical Anthropology of Gender – University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX)

James Stroud – Fonts of Moral Action – Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology (Hales Corners, WI)

Michael D. Torre – The Problem of Evil – University of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA)

Michael D. Torre – Francisco Marín-Sola – University of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA)

Michael D. Torre – Yves Simon – University of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA)

Christopher J. Thompson – Ecology and Catholic Social Teaching – University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN)

Joseph Trabbic – Church and State – Ave Maria University (Ave Maria, FL)

Barrett Turner – Social Doctrine of the Church – Mount St. Mary’s University (Emmitsburg, MD)

Carl Vater – 1225 until Death of Scotus – St. Vincent College (Latrobe, PA)

Daniel Wagner – Prior and Posterior Analytics – Aquinas College (Grand Rapids, MI)

Anna Wray, O.P. – Presocratics to Aristotle – The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC)

Kevin Zilverberg – Vulgate – St. Paul’s Seminary (St. Paul, MN)
