
(also called Happiness, Felicity, and Flourishing).— 1. The state of perfection of an intelligent being. 2. A state of activity in which the natural desires of an intelligent being are satisfied. 3. Consistently living in accord with right reason (prudence) over a long period of time. 


Objective Beatitude.— That which causes one to be in a state of beatitude. 


Subjective Beatitude.— The state of beatitude itself in the one who experiences beatitude. 


Natural Beatitude (or Felicity).— Beatitude to which intelligent beings are naturally ordered and that their natural powers, considered in themselves and not in their actual state, make them capable of achieving.   


Supernatural Beatitude.— Beatitude to which intelligent beings are supernaturally ordered and that, although fitting for them, is beyond the capacity of their natural powers, being achievable only by the aid of divine grace. 
